Software Dist with License Key


Looking to verify something…

If I am wanting to embed/automate the MS License Key within a SW Distribution bundle, would this be handled simply as a LICENSE KEY=path to license key switch on the .msi command in the action script? Or is there another preferred way to handle this?

Thanks in advance

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There’s no “general” way to handle license keys - each product installer is different. You should google for your specific product and look for “unattended” or “silent” install to determine the command line parameters, configuration file, or registry entries to generate.

Once you know how to install / configure the product unattended, if you post those instructions here we can help instruct you on how to integrate those instructions via BigFix.


Hi Jason,

I am having the same challenge, please see below msi instructions from the vendor.

msiexec /i “<MSI_PATH>” /qn /l*v <LOG_PATH> licensefile="<CUSTOMER_KEY_PATH>"

<MSI_PATH> is the location of the MSI file.
<LOG_PATH> is the location where you want the log file created.
<CUSTOMER_KEY_PATH> is the location of your customer key.


Alternatively you can use the following install command:
msiexec /I “<MSI_PATH>” /qn /l*v <LOG_PATH> licensekey=CUSTOMER_KEY
<MSI_PATH> is the location of the MSI file.
<LOG_PATH> is the location where you want the log file created.
<CUSTOMER_KEY > paste the full customer key (i.e Lwhdgdetbjghgbjklk).

Thank you

If you are installing Microsoft products, I recommend their Key Management Server (KMS). We have scripts that can run in Bigfix to force the endpoint to register with our KMS server.

Hi Jon

Is not a Microsoft product, it is a security agent.


Maybe I’m not understanding the challenge. Does the vendor’s recommendation work? Is the key static or dynamic/unique?

We’ve called keys as command line arguments and by pointing to licensing files successfully. If those don’t work, then it is either a syntax issue or installer issue.

Hi Jon,

Neither option worked for me, Until now, I continue to try different options until I was able to figure out what I needed.

I do like to thank you for taking the time to response and trying to help

Maybe reach out to the vendor for suggestions. Do they have any examples? If so, pay close attention to their syntax, quotes, argument order, etc.

It would help a lot if you could post the action script you’re trying to run (including any download commands for the file).

Are you using the Software Distribution Wizard, or rolling something completely custom?

This should just be a matter of using correct syntax with the ‘waithidden’ command.

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Hi All,

Again Thank you for your help. I was able to figured out the correct combination and now it is working for me.

Thanks again


Great news that you resolved.
Do you mind posting your working code to help others that might search in the future?

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