SOAP Query Analyse

(imported topic written by var91)


I know how to query propertys of a bes computer from a analyse.

Is it possible to query the whole properties of the analyse, not the seperate properties?

For example all elements of the analyse “Computer Properties”

Thanks Andi

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)


I am not quite seeing the context and what your end goal is.

However, since you posted this in the Fixlet Authoring section, I will start by suggesting a Session Relevance to return all elements of an analysis.

By the way, “Computer Properties” is not an analysis, but a collection of various Managed Properties.

There is an Analysis name “BES Component Versions”, so this statement will return all the properties.

names of bes properties whose (name of source analysis of it = “BES Component Versions” and analysis flag of source analysis of it)

In the TEM Console, under an individual computer Summary tab, there is a section “Computer Properties”.

To extract the Managed Properties for this section try the following.

names of bes properties whose (
reserved flag of it and
name of it does not start with "BES " and
name of it does not start with "Client " and
name of it does not contain “Relay” and
name of it does not contain “Lock” and
name of it != “Subscribed Sites” and
name of it != “License Type”

Lee Wei