Skype Business

(imported topic written by will.ware91)

Hello All,

Does anyone know if a fixlet for the business version of Skype is or will soon be available? A way to detect the non-business version and replace it with the business version would be really nice too.



(imported comment written by trekuhl91)

the issue i am seeing is that we typically load the “business version” on our images. when updating skype i believe is pushed the regular “consumer” one. what ends up happening is that the skype icon from the desktop disappears, searching for SKYPE via start button (win7) doesnt reveal the executable. browsing manually to \program files (x86)\skype can find the exe and launch, pin to taskbar/startmenu, etc.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

We too struggle with Skype. We have been installing the consumer edition because that is what Big Fix publishes updates for. I would love to go to buisness edition, but don’t want to have to build update packages manually.

Since upgrading to version Skype 5.5 I have not found a way to disable the auto update feature, I believe there is a way using the business edition.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

We are with you on this. We use the business edition which unfortunetly TEM does not support right now. At least we get some use out of the regular Skype fixlets, as when they are published, we know to check for a new version of the Business Edition and build our own package again.

I think TEM should support this software like they do google chrome. Detect the regular user version and be able to uninstall it. Install the Business Edition (Ok, TEM doesn’t actually do this for chrome, but that’s google’s fault).


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


the issue i am seeing is that we typically load the “business version” on our images. when updating skype i believe is pushed the regular “consumer” one. what ends up happening is that the skype icon from the desktop disappears, searching for SKYPE via start button (win7) doesnt reveal the executable. browsing manually to \program files (x86)\skype can find the exe and launch, pin to taskbar/startmenu, etc.

I have this issue as well. The Skype update fixlets provided have the following action script:


Which I modify to the following:


Which adds the start menu shortcuts like you expect (and may also create desktop ones, which you may not want, but you can delete in action script)

I also added “/NOLAUNCH” so that skype does not open after update automatically.

I also create another custom copy with the following relevance added: not exists running application “Skype.exe”

I can push this copy without worry of disrupting a call, and update the rest using the first copy in a different manner to deal with possible disruption of a call. It also helps to prevent Skype from starting with windows so that skype is only running for users who actively need it, which makes updating easier.