Silent IBM Spectrum Install

Hi all,

I’m currently working on upgrading our TSM 7.1 clients to the latest Spectrum backup but I’m having some difficulty in getting it pushed out. I’ve been trying to reverse engineer what the last person did here, but haven’t been successful yet.

I downloaded the .exe and unpacked it since running the .exe in a fixlet hasn’t worked. Within that, there is a “spinstall.exe” that if you manually run (double click) it will ask to install a C++ redist as well as a JVM before installing the IBM Spectrum Client. I have confirmed that it works as intended after running it manually.

When I try to run some of the silent switches that I’ve read about on the forums, namely running “spinstall.exe /S /v/qn” it will install only the C++ redistr and the Spectrum Client and then complain that it doesn’t have the JVM installed. Running “spinstall.exe /S” will install the C++ redist and JVM but then will come up with prompt to manually install the Spectrum Client.

My question is: how best should I be automating the Spectrum install if not through this method? I’ve been testing various silent switches and can’t seem to get all three to install in one go.

I went down this road before and was able to get the SP 7/8 silent install working. The problem for us was that there was no way to automate the TDP setup for SQL.

You have to install all the prereqs separately, some of which require reboots,

I see that’s what we did for version 7 – ran the following:

// Use .bat to set working directory to packages root, for setup command.
createfile until end
cd "{parameter “baseFolder”}"
rem // See comments at the beginning of this action for an explanation of the comment markers.
set DATESTAMP=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%
echo %DATEANDTIME% >> "{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}"
echo Action ID: {id of active action} >> "{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}"
rem //**Begin Command Marker

echo Command: vcredist_x64.exe /q /norestart >> "{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}"
vcredist_x86.exe /q /norestart >> “{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}” 2>&1

echo Command: vcredist_x64.exe /q /norestart >> "{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}"
vcredist_x64.exe /q /norestart >> “{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}” 2>&1

echo Command: msiexec.exe /i “IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client.msi” /qn >> "{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}"
set errorlevel=
msiexec.exe /i “IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client.msi” /qn >> “{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}” 2>&1
set SWDExitCode=%errorlevel%
rem //**End Command Marker

I do see that version 8 doesn’t have that vcredist though, so I’ll have to just run the spinstall.exe first and then the msi in a similar fashion as above?

Edit: I didn’t realize that the vcredit executables moved directories. I’ll try running these sequentially and see what happens!

like you found, all the prereqs are in the ISSetupPrerequisites folder.

You can manually run them in order to get it installed.

For the JVM, you use the spinstall.exe that’s in that folder, not the one in the root folder, that might have been what was tripping you up.

For people looking into this in the future, I was able to get it working for Windows (Mac is looking to be a whole different animal).

Here’s our action script:

//**Begin Preparation Marker
// Download all specified files
begin prefetch block
add prefetch item name=412BE6EB7A100590DA8065B405101625298386C4 sha1=412be6eb7a100590da8065b405101625298386c4 size=805913546 url=SWDProtocol:// sha256=4de668188ac7f61c57c99feaa1f4d30b1e6eae29c82c80af3811dad720fc3e0b
end prefetch block

// All SWD files will go into a folder in the clients __BESData folder. This folder gets cleared on every restart.
parameter “baseFolder” = “__Download/”
// Move files into subfolders and unescape file names
move “__Download/412BE6EB7A100590DA8065B405101625298386C4” “__Download/compressedPackageData-201903020939.bftemp”

// extract any compressed files
extract “compressedPackageData-201903020939.bftemp”
// Log setup
parameter “mainSWDLogFolder” = "{parent folder of client folder of current site}/__Global/SWDDeployData"
folder create "{parameter “mainSWDLogFolder”}"
parameter “logFile” = “SWD_DeploymentResults.log”

//**End Preparation Marker
delete __createfile
if {name of operating system as lowercase starts with “win”}
parameter “logFolder” = “{parameter “mainSWDLogFolder”}”
// Run setup process
delete run.bat

// Use .bat to set working directory to packages root, for setup command.
createfile until end
cd "{parameter “baseFolder”}"
rem // See comments at the beginning of this action for an explanation of the comment markers.
set DATESTAMP=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%
echo %DATE% %TIME% >> "{parameter “logFolder”}{parameter “logFile”}"
echo Action ID: {id of active action} >> "{parameter “logFolder”}{parameter “logFile”}"
rem //**Begin Command Marker

echo Command: msiexec.exe /i “IBM Spectrum Protect Client.msi” RebootYesNo=“No” REBOOT=“Suppress” ALLUSERS=1 INSTALLDIR=“C:\Program Files\Tivoli\Tsm” ADDLOCAL=“BackupArchiveGUI,BackupArchiveWeb,Api64Runtime,AdministrativeCmd” TRANSFORMS=1033.mst /qn >> "{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}"
set errorlevel=
msiexec.exe /i “IBM Spectrum Protect Client.msi” RebootYesNo=“No” REBOOT=“Suppress” ALLUSERS=1 INSTALLDIR=“C:\Program Files\Tivoli\Tsm” ADDLOCAL=“BackupArchiveGUI,BackupArchiveWeb,Api64Runtime,AdministrativeCmd” TRANSFORMS=1033.mst /qn >> “{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}” 2>&1

echo Command: vcredist_x64.exe /q /norestart >> "{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}"
vcredist_x64.exe /q /norestart >> “{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}” 2>&1

echo Command: spinstall.exe /s /v"RebootYesNo=“No” Reboot=“ReallySuppress” ALLUSERS=1 /qn /lv “jre_log.txt”" >> "{parameter “logFolder”}{parameter “logFile”}"
set errorlevel=
spinstall.exe /s /v"RebootYesNo=“No” Reboot=“ReallySuppress” ALLUSERS=1 /qn /l
v “jre_log.txt”" >> “{parameter “logFolder”}{parameter “logFile”}” 2>&1

set SWDExitCode=%errorlevel%
rem //**End Command Marker

@echo off

@echo %DATE%%TIME%: TSMCONFIG.BAT STARTED! >> “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\config_log.txt”
@echo %DATE%%TIME%: Creating dsm.opt configuration file. >> “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\config_log.txt”

@echo NODENAME EP-%COMPUTERNAME% > “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt”
@echo TCPSERVERADDRESS servername >> “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt”
@echo DOMAIN C: >> “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt”
@echo EXCLUDE C:…*.* >> “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt”
@echo INCLUDE C:\Users…*.* >> “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt”
@echo PASSWORDACCESS GENERATE >> “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt”

@echo %DATE%%TIME%: dsm.opt configuration file created. >> “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\config_log.txt”
@echo %DATE%%TIME%: Attempting to authenticate to BF1 with dsmc. >> “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\config_log.txt”

cd "c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient"
dsmcutil remove /name:“TSM Scheduler Service” >> "c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\config_log.txt"
dsmcutil install scheduler /name:“TSM Scheduler Service” /node:EP-%COMPUTERNAME% /password:3u-73fnvxn /autostart:yes >> “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\config_log.txt”
@echo %DATE%%TIME%: DONE. >> “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\config_log.txt”

echo Return code: %SWDExitCode% >> "{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}"
echo. >> "{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}"
exit %SWDExitCode%

move __createfile run.bat
// You will not be able to stop or take action on an applicable BigFix Client until your installer completes.
// So ensure no user input is required.
// If your package absolutely must interact with the user, replace ‘override wait’ with ‘override run’ and ‘wait’ with ‘run’.
override wait
wait run.bat

//**Begin Closing Marker
// Get the return code of the previous action.
parameter “returnCode” = “{exit code of action}”

// Task will now exit.
exit {parameter “returnCode”}
//**End Closing Marker