Showing wrong information in Tasks -> Applicable Computers

(imported topic written by sharad91)

Created a Custom task for software distribution after deploying the task in the task -> applicable computers is showing wrong information like 1922/1935. But seeing the information in the reports will be different.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi sharad,

I am not sure I understand the issue… can you give us some more specifics?



(imported comment written by sharad91)


I have created a custom task for software deployment. The total no of computers in the n/w are 1935, for all these systems i have initiated the deployment after 2-3 days in the tasks->custom tasks-> applicable computers it was showing 1922/1935 this says that for 1922 systems needs the deployment. Where as active tasks it shows the task has completed 100%. Fetching the same information from reporting (By creating a custom filter) the statistics are different 1067/1935. But when we check on the individual clients the software is deployed.

My Concern is, in task it is 1922/1935, in reporting it is 1067/1935, after checking individual clients the statistics is different i.e (approximately 450/1935) - Why this information is not updating in Tasks + Reporting.

Thank you


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Sharad,

How did you target the action from the Task? Was it targeted to “All Computer”? Did it have an expiration in the action? What do you mean when you “checked individual clients” to get 450/1935?

It sounds a lot like only 1067 computers received the action before it expired and all the computers that received the action ran it successfully (100%).


(imported comment written by sharad91)

Hi Ben,

We have created a task for copying a shortcut and targeted all 1935 computers. We have selected the task to run for 2 days. When we have checked in the clients manually in each system(by individually attending each desktop), we have noticed that the task has been completed and shortcut has been created. But when we were checking in my tasks in bigfix client, the task was still showing the applicable computers as 1935/1935.

So, it was not showing the actual statistics for the applied computers and it was showing all the computers was due for running the task.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi sharad,

The relevance for the Task controls whether the computer is applicable or not. If you want the Task to no longer be applicable when you apply it, you need to tell the Task the relevance to detect the condition you want to check for. In this case, you might add relevance like:

not exists file “someshortcut.lnk” of folder “C:\documents and settings\All users\Desktop”

You will need to modify the relevance to detect the file you want… if you post specifics about where you put the file and its name, we can help with the relevance… Then after you do this, the Task will only become relevant and show under Applicable Computers if the shortcut does not already exist.
