Show all custom content with run as option

Hello :slight_smile:
I trying to understand how can i show all custom content with “run as” option or all custom content with specifig word in the Action field of the task/fixlet.
I know ho to find all custom content in the cosole but i dont know how to filter it to see only what i want.
I tried to use Pesentation Debugger (names of custom bes fixlets)and (contains "TU_Run.exe" of actions )
Need help here.



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Here is some sample session relevance that will search through the actionscripts of all Fixlets and Tasks for a given string:

(id of it, name of it, display name of site of it) of bes fixlets whose ((fixlet flag of it OR task flag of it) AND concatenation of scripts of actions of it as lowercase contains "runas" as lowercase)