Setting up new relay for client


I’m installing bigfix relay for my customer but my root server console is not showing the relays. I installed it manually version 9.5.21( both relay and client exe) and i have copied the masthead into the installation folder. firewall has been set on customers end.can anybody advise on this please?


Just to add the firewall is set from their relay server to my relay server. Please advice as i’m like new to Bigfix

You need to install the client and have it reporting and running actions before installing the relay.

Hi @trn,

Thanks for the reply, i also forget to mentioned this, before i came to customer site, i saw that they also have their own bigfix console and their version is 10, but i have asked them to uninstall their client and also remove the relays from database, so when i copied my masthead, it should be reporting to my root server right?

You have some basic troubleshooting to do.

Did you do a full uninstall or just swap the mastheads?
Did you check there are no settings left over from the prior install?

Have you read the Bigfix client log on the machine in question? That will tell you which server it is trying to use.

If it is trying to connect to your server, can the machine resolve the exact name you have in the masthead?

Can you start a browser on the machine and go to <your bigfix target server url>:52311/masthead/masthead.afxm

Hi @trn,

I did a full uninstall and also delete the files in Program files. As for the client log, although i’m getting bad servername winsock error, it does point out to my root server first but after that it pointed to this.

RegisterOnce: GetURL failed - General transport failure. - ‘’ http failure code 0 - registration url -

Loopback address suggests you have the relay installed.

You must have the client installed on its own andreporting back to the intended server before installing the relay.

Then install the relay by taking an action on the fixlet on your server.

Hi @trn,

I have asked my customer to do a clean uninstall and then installed the client with the masthead. Its getting this error.

RegisterOnce: Attempting secure registration with 'https://SGCTLBES01:52311/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/clientregister.exe?RequestType=RegisterMe60&ClientVersion=
RegisterOnce: GetURL failed - General transport failure. - BAD SERVERNAME (winsock error 4294967290 - registration url - http://SGCTLBES01:52311/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/clientregister.exe?RequestType=RegisterMe60&ClientVersion=
Unrestricted mode

Can your customer resolve the name SGCTLBES01 on their machine?

Hi @Geimor,

Just to inform when we open the firewall was from my customer relay to my relay server… So i was wondering if something needed to do on my relay server or not

Looks like your masthead just has the short name for your server
Kit on your client’s site is unlikely to be able to resolve that name

I did ask in an earlier post “If it is trying to connect to your server, can the machine resolve the exact name you have in the masthead?” If the client cannot resolve the name in the masthead then it will not be able to connect back to your root server

Hi @trn,

So do i need to use the masthead from my relay server instead?

The relay server uses the same masthead - the relay has to be client first

You appear to have a Bigfix server that was set up using only its short name.
The name used when it is set up is the name that goes into the masthead.

If the fundamentals are right, it is all quite easy, but if they are not right it is a never-ending battle to make things work and keep working


Have you tested this?
You might work around it by adding SGCTLBES01 in HOSTS on the client relay, but I would advice you to use the FQDN for your BES install. Or at least add a failback relay setting in your enviroment

Hi guys,

Need to check on something about firewall? HCL support mentioned that firewall need to be open bi-directionally, does this mean that i should also open the port from my relay server to client? For eg, if i do netstat -na | Select-String “52311” on my relay server, i should be seeing my customer’s IPs in it, am i right?

The clients do not maintain a permanent session on the relay - they just establish a connection to send reports or download new items, then drop the connection (although enabling persistent connections does modifiy this behaviour).

Also, it depends upon whether the downstream box is just a client or is intended to become a relay.

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Hi all,

my client server, the BF client log still showing badservername error, according to both ends firewall ports are opened but still not showing on my root server console, i thought i will do a full clean uninstallation including the registry, do you guys think its a good idea?