Working with Managed Download Plugins and registered CentOS Plugin R2 in my environment. I created an extended repository file and edited the plugin.ini file with its location. I need assistance testing my configuration to confirm if it sees the repositories configured in the .json file. Looking for assistance in completing this process. Thanks in advance. Purpose is to connect to this repository
Once you have the configuration saved you will need to run the CentOSPluginR2.exe command which is located in the \DownloadPlugins\CentOSR2Protocol\ folder. Open a command prompt and run the following:
CentOSPluginR2.exe --check-allrepos
If the extended repository is configured properly, it should show in the list of repos available in the command output.
Thank you. in my repo list I have connections to “centos-7-x64” and several other repos that we will not use. IN my environment I have predominately Centos-6.10 and Centos-7.6.1810 servers. Should I worry about connecting to these excess repo list?
Trying to resolve this issue…want to connect to this repository My first attempt was to add this statement in the original DLCentOSRepolist file like such
{“name”: “CentOS - SCLO_RH”, “baseurl”:
but it had a problem reading this format while I added it to the original set of
"centos-7-x64": [
{“name”: “CentOS - OS”, “baseurl”: “”},
{“name”: “CentOS - Updates”, “baseurl”: “”},
{“name”: “CentOS - Extras”, “baseurl”: “”},
{“name”: “CentOS - Fastrack”, “baseurl”: “”}, which worked. Can it be added here and if not what do I use as the “OS Key” in the name for this to work properly. I can reach the url target in a web browser just trying to connect to it within BigFix.
Take a look at the documentation here: Extending the CentOS Download Plug-in R2
Thank you. I was working from that document. I had to establish the extended repository to complete the task.
This is the problem that I’m having. I was able to download extended repositories. However the repository located at gives an Error 404 when I verify all repos. Now I can reach the site in a web browser and it presents 2 folders packages and repodata. There exist patches in the packages folder that I need access to that BigFix is unable to retrieve. I’ve attempted to adjust the url in the extended files .json file to go directly to the folder location vs
and still receive the error 404 when viewing the output from the CentOSPluginR2.exe --check-allrepos command. Is there anything that can be done in order to for BigFix to retrieve patches from this site?
Thank you
I can’t check at the moment, but I believe the plugin is looking for the repomd.xml; so try pointing at the /repodata directory and see whether the plugin can validate there.
I tried that among my combinations. It seems like bigfix is having problems with the following 4 repositories:
“centos-76.2-x64”: [
{“name”: “Docker-CE_CentOS 7”, “baseurl”:
{“name”: “EPEL for CentOS 7 packages”, “baseurl”:
{“name”: “Puppet-agent-7”, “baseurl”:
{“name”: “Puppet-agent-6”, “baseurl”:
I receive the “Unable to access this Repo HTTP Error 404: Not found” error. Also for Docker-CE I tried each combo original site and both folders and receive the same error.
In my environment I did the following:
“centos-7.5.1804-x64”: [
{“name”: “PuppetAgent6”, “baseurl”: “”},
{“name”: “PuppetAgent7”, “baseurl”: “”},
{“name”: “Docker-CE_CentOS7”, “baseurl”: “”}
I took the trailing slash off the URLs and it seems to check out. I haven’t attempted installing anything yet, but will do so shortly.
Thank you. I was able to resolve the errors by doing the same. I’m in the process of configuring our environment to patch the servers and literally going through the guide to set this up. I will continue with the next stages of the process to do so. I appreciate your assistance
I’m looking for direction towards completing the task of Patching Linux servers in my environment. Now that the extended repositories are visible in BigFix B (my test environment), I guess I need to register them in order to receive supported fixlet and Linux patches. At this point in time do I need to run the CentOS Custom Repository Management Dashboard and add the repositories and their URL’s here and them import them? I guess I also need to register the endpoints that will use them as well. In my environment, I have 2 BigFix environments and I’ve identified Linux servers in BigFix A and I want them to point to BigFix B. I am aware that I need to somehow take the actionsite data on B and place onto the Linux servers in A in order to begin testing the patches being retrieved from these extended repositories. Can you please give me some insight on this process. Thank you
Making a list of actions taken in preparing my environment for Linux patching. I’ve completed the following so far
activated Patch for CentOS 6 & 7 Plugin R2
Registered plugin on BES Server, its showing version with status as up-to-date. Does this need to be updated? also do I need to perform this task on the relay as well?
I’ve created the extended repository file and verified that BigFix can connect to external repositories.
I have Linux servers that I need to migrate to this BigFix server which is tied to another Server. I to change their clients and direct them to this new environment. How do I perform this task safely?