The problem I’m having is making sure that the Admins taking care of servers can easily find what BigFix Instance a particular machine is reporting to.
My hope is, to be able to place a setting on the Root Server (or some other place) with String like:
BigFix Dev 9.2
This would let the Admin know that the machine they are looking at is currently reporting to the Root Server for our Dev 9.2 BigFix instance.
I’d have a Policy running, that would occasionally update a file on the server, with this string. The Admin could look at this file, and know which environment this machine is in, ad if there are stale Last Report Times in another BigFix instance, it is because the machine is not in that instance, and it should be deleted from that instance.
Where would I be able to place this setting, so that a fixlet could read the setting and place that string in a file on all of the servers in that BigFix instance?