Session Relvance to Retrieve Mobile Devices

(imported topic written by SarahGalvan)

What would be the Relevance language query to retrieve a list of “mobile” computers?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Currently using

(name of operating system contains “Android” AND not in proxy agent context) OR (if (in proxy agent context) then (data source as lowercase contains “apple”) else (false))

to make a

Mobile Devices

computer group

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Forgot to mention, we don’t currently have any Windows Mobile Phones in our environment, and plans to include them have not been discussed.

(imported comment written by SarahGalvan)

How would I include microsoft devices if I wanted to? Also how does “(data source as lowercase contains “apple”)” Include apple mobile devices only? Might that include Macs or something?

(imported comment written by jeremylam)

Mobile devices is actually a pretty diverse group. There can be agents reporting through the Exchange or Traveler extenders, as well as Android agents reporting natively and Apple devices reporting through their own extender. Here’s what we are using in the “Device List” of the MDM domain:

bes computers whose (device type of it = 
"Mobile" OR agent type of it as lowercase contains 
"microsoft exchange" OR agent type of it as lowercase contains 
"lotus traveler")