Session Relevance to Retrieve Patch Level of Computers

(imported topic written by EF35_Loura_White)


Using the SOAP API I want to retrieve a list of what Microsoft patches have been installed on each of the computers managed by TEM/BigFix. Is what I am doing possible? My understanding is that I am bound to use only Session Relevance which can not get as detailed of information about a client as “Client Relevance” can. Is that accurate?



(imported comment written by Lee Wei)


I just wrote a report for someone, which lists the installed patches.

Maybe you can use it as an example.

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Here is the report that can be imported into Web Reports.

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by EF35_Loura_White)

Thank you for the example code! From that I threw together the following:

names of fixlets of results from (bes fixlets whose (fixlet flag of it and display name of site of it = “Patches for Windows (English)”)) whose (relevant flag of it) of (bes computer whose (id of it = XXX))

Is this the correct part? What if there is not a fixlet for the installed patch? Does such a case happen?

Thanks again!