Session relevance to get count for each BES client version installed

I am hoping this is an easy one, and someone can help with the session relevance to the version of the BES client installed and the total count for each for all the systems in a specific computer group. Below is the session relevance to get the version that are currently installed but want to target a certain computer group in a custom site and the version and total count.

unique values of (" client_version=" & it)of values of results whose(not error flag of it) of bes property “BES Client Version”

See if this gets you what you’re looking for:

((multiplicities of it, it) of unique values of ((" client_version=" & it)of values of results whose(not error flag of it) of bes property “BES Client Version”))

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I am getting Expression could not be parsed

Try again, I had like 6 different tabs open that I was testing in and copied one of my bad ones. My original link should have the proper session relevance now.

That is exactly what I wanted. Thank you…

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What is the purpose of the double it in the first statement if you do not mind me asking. That always gets me and not sure why it is needed.

It returns the 2nd “it” in the session relevance, which in this case is the client version value. Try deleting out the 2nd “it”, you will see that you only will see the number of values for a mysterious property.

Interesting, thank you for explaining that. I learn something new about session relevance everyday.

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