Session relevance to check evaluation time of properties

I currently have the below session relevance that shows all the properties. How do I make it show the name of the Analysis where the property belongs to, and to filter the properties that is having an evaluation time of every report?

Q: (names of it, evaluation periods of it) of properties of bes analyses
A: PropertyName1, 00:00:00
A: PropertyName2, 01:00:00
A: PropertyName3, 7 days
A: PropertyName4, 30 days

Try this:

Q: (names of it, names of properties of it, evaluation periods of properties of it) of bes analyses

Thank you. How can I add a filter to only show the properties with evaluation time of 00:00:00? and also to filter properties from an activated analysis?

For this you’ll need to incorporate a whose-it construct to filter for the desired conditions, which requires an understanding of the objects you’re accessing. ( is ver helfpul for this).

The whose-it requires a property or a comparison to a property which evaluates to a boolean True.

Since an analysis can be activated both globally, by MOs, and locally, by NMOs, BigFix tracks this in a property of the analysis known as activation, which is itself an object with its own properties . One of these downstream properties is the active flag, a boolean indicating whether the analysis is currently activated or not.

The inactive analyses are filtered out using:

... of bes analyses whose (active flag of activations of it)

For the properties that evaluate on every report, we need to know what type of data is retured by the evaluation period property. Checking the developer website, it shows that the evaluation period is a time interval object, which can be cast as a string object.

Using another whose-it construct in the tuple, which will return only evaluation periods of "00:00:00" :

... (evaluation periods of properties of it) whose (it as string = "00:00:00")...

The parentheses around this component of the tuple ensures that the it in the filter will be the proper object for comparison.

Putting it all together:

Q: (names of it, names of properties of it, (evaluation periods of properties of it) whose (it as string = "00:00:00")) of bes analyses whose (active flag of activations of it)

Thank you @itsmpro92 for the detailed explanation. Really appreciate it. :slight_smile: