Session Relevance for Relay properties


I need to create a session relevance query that brings back some basic infor about the various relays i have running.

I started with this:

https:123:52311/api/query?relevance=(IDS of it, names of it, last report time of it, relay flag of it) of bes computers

This brought back results on all the computers and looking at the results I saw <Answer type='boolean".True</Answer on my relays and false on non relays. Seeing this I modified the query to this

https:123:52311/api/query?relevance=(IDS of it, names of it, last report time of it, relay flag of it = “true”) of bes computers

I get a error operator “equal” is not defined. Looking for help on bring back this info on the relays

Thank you!!

True is boolean, not a string so no quotes around it.

(IDS of it, names of it, last report time of it, relay server flag of it = True) of bes computers whose (relay server flag of it = True)

Thank you when I use you query I get back a error The operator relay flag is not defined

I also tried

(IDS of it, names of it, last report time of it, relay server flag of it) of bes computers whose (relay server flag of it = True)

The relevance looks OK, but there is no error trapping for cases where a property is missing

		id of it as string | "<No ID>" , name of it | "<No Name>" , last report time of it as string | "<No Time>" , relay server flag of it 
	of bes computers 
		relay server flag of it 
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trn, so besides error check for computer name and computer ID are you saying we should be filtering the query for relay server flag of it to be true? maybe relay server flag isn’t the best method to return the data on just relays

relay server flag is the correct property to be using in session relevance to find the relays.

You report > “The operator relay flag is not defined”

The syntax is ‘relay server flag’, not ‘relay flag’.

My session relevance works for me (tested on 9.5.13, 9.5.18 & 10.0.4).