Session Relevance for checking Download URL and Fixlet name/ID

Is there a way that we can get the all the download URL including the associated fixlet name and ID?
I’m looking for the relevance similar to the one posted on below KB:

Reason for this:
We found some incorrect URLs using AIRGAP tool but had troubles finding which specific fixlet have the incorrect URL…

Thank you.

Here’s a quick adaptation of one of my other posts. Not the most efficient but gives you what you want:

(name of it, (id of it, name of it, unique values of parenthesized parts 2 of matches (case insensitive regex "^\s*(download|prefetch|download now|download now as|add prefetch item)\s+.*((((ht|f)tp[s]?)://([[:alpha:]\-\.]+(:[0-9]+)?))[[:space:]/]([^[:space:]]+))") of scripts of actions whose (script type of it = "application/x-Fixlet-Windows-Shell") of it) of fixlets of it) of bes sites whose (external site flag of it)

It worked like a charm. Thank you so much. :slight_smile: