Session Relevance for Baseline Action Result starttime and endtime fields


We are trying to create a session relevance query that will allow us to pull back every computer, and for each of those computers, the results of the baselines that have applied on them. I have researched the web and have managed to find this query that provides a decent starting point. I am trying to figure out how to get back the other baseline action fields we need, such as the component action start time and end times. Being able to see some kind of DB or Bigfix schema would be a great help to figure this out but I am not aware of any. How would I add the sub action fields such as start time and end time of action to this query? @jgstew would love to get your expert opinion on it.

name of parent group of action of it,
name of action of it,
name of computer of it,
status of it
) of results of
member actions whose (name of it contains “”) of
taken actions of
bes baselines whose (name of it contains “Mac OS X May 2018 - Silent”)


 name of computer of it ,
 "Multiple Action Group" & name of parent group of action of it ,
  name of action of it ,
  status of it as string | "na" , 
  start time of it as string | "na" , 
  end time of it as string | "na" , 
  (end time of it - start time of it) as string | "na" , 
  detailed status of it as string | "na" , 
  exit code of it as string | "no exit code" , 
  retry count of it
  of results of member actions of bes actions; 
  name of computer of it ,
  "Single Action" , 
  name of action of it , 
  status of it as string | "na" , 
  start time of it as string | "na" , 
  end time of it as string | "na" , 
  (end time of it - start time of it) as string | "na" , 
  detailed status of it as string | "na" ,
  exit code of it as string | "no exit code" , 
  retry count of it
  of results of bes actions  

I gave it a shot this adds both single actions and multiple action groups into a single response with action result start and end time, retry count, detailed status, etc. added.



Sorry, I’d gone off on holidays when you replied. Thanks so much for this, it looks like exactly what we need.
