Hello All,
Hopefully there are some session relevance pros out there surfing these forums…I am in need of some help. I’m trying to pull Analyses from specific Custom Sites. So, for example, I want to pull the compliance analyses information and results for some custom sites via api. I’m looking for the api query to pull Analysis name, custom site name, the result of the analysis, and the computer it’s applicable to.
I have this so far by piecing some session relevance together: https://bfservername:52311/api/query?relevance=((values of it, name of computer of it) of results of it, names of it ) of properties of bes analyses whose (name of it contains “Measured”)
I’ve tried to add some session to get results from a particular custom site…no luck: https://bfservername:52311/api/query?relevance=((values of it, name of computer of it) of results of it, names of it ) of properties of bes analyses whose (name of it contains “Measured”) of bes custom site whose (name of it is “Test”)
This is obviously is looking for anything that contains Measured, but i would prefer just to pull all analyses out of the custom site to show it’s analysis name, site name it’s in, results/values, and the computer name it’s looking at…any help would be awesome, and I would greatly appreciate it, thanks!