BigFix server is configured with 2 IP addresses (Prod and Backup LAN).
Scenario 1 (Both NIC enabled)
When automation plan is completed, notification fails to send with below errors in pe_console.log because it detects 2 IP addresses
Caused by: IZNENG146E Evaluating the relevance expression " (( ip address of it) of applicable computers of it ,values of results of property 5 /* Notification Service Port */ of it )of bes fixlet whose (analysis flag of it and name of site of it contains “BES Support” and id of it = 2243) " caused the following error: “Singular expression refers to non-unique object.”.
Scenario 2 (Only Prod NIC enabled)
When automation plan is completed, notification is successful
2016-09-18 16:25:28,333 DEBUG [PlanEngine] (rest.RestApiInterface:105) :: Evaluating relevance: [ (( ip address of it) of applicable computers of it ,values of results of property 5 /* Notification Service Port */ of it )of bes fixlet whose (analysis flag of it and name of site of it contains "BES Support" and id of it = 2243) ]
2016-09-18 16:25:28,521 DEBUG [PlanEngine] (relevance.RelevanceResultSet:318) :: Relevance result set took [0ms] to generate for query [ (( ip address of it) of applicable computers of it ,values of results of property 5 /* Notification Service Port */ of it )of bes fixlet whose (analysis flag of it and name of site of it contains "BES Support" and id of it = 2243) ]
How do I enable notification to work with 2 NICs enabled/connected?
The problem seems to be how the API evaluates to get the IP address
" (( ip address of it) of applicable computers of it ,values of results of property 5 /* Notification Service Port */ of it )of bes fixlet whose (analysis flag of it and name of site of it contains “BES Support” and id of it = 2243) "
HI @kennyhwx - so it looks like you’ve both found and identified the problem here.
To fix this would probably take a code change in the plan engine, so if you haven’t already, please raise a PMR for us to track this issue.
The question I would ask is though: if it’s got 2 IP addresses, which one should be actually used? Or how would you decide? Just use the first one found/defined?
It would be preferred if notification service can be reconfigured to listen on only 1 interface which would solve the problem as it is currently listening on all interfaces. That would solve the problem of the relevance getting more than 1 result.
Thanks Kenny. Okay, I will raise an internal defect for it in that case and we’ll see about getting it worked into
the development schedule. I’ll include your suggestion about having the NS configured to listen only on one interface for the engineer who eventually picks this up. Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention!
Sorry to bring up an old topic here. But I just discovered we’re having the exact same issue with SA plan notifications as well…we’re at v9.5.8 with the latest plan engine as well.
Curious if there was an RFE created on this or is it still being investigated?
Thanks Doug for bringing this up. yes defect has been created for the same.
Issue has been identified and hopefully fix will be part of next plan engine build.