Send a report based on relevance

I noticed that there is a way, in Web Reports, to have a report emailed based on relevance being evaluated as true, becoming true, or when the answer to the relecance statement changes.
I would like to have a report emailed when a baseline action (for a specific baseline) is either stopped or expired.
Does anyone know what that relevance would look like?


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I don’t know it, but I’m quite sure I can get there:

states of taken actions of custom bes fixlets whose(baseline flag of it AND "NAME_OF_BASELINE" = name of it)

This is closer:

not exists states whose("Open"=it) of taken actions of custom bes fixlets whose(baseline flag of it AND "NAME_OF_BASELINE" = name of it)

This could be extended to include multiple baselines:

disjunctions of (not exists states whose("Open"=it) of taken actions of it) of custom bes fixlets whose(baseline flag of it AND name of it is contained by set of ("NAME_OF_BASELINE1";"NAME_OF_BASELINE2") )

Depending on the option on pick for when to run report, this will allow me to run the report.

  1. When the baseline action expires/is stopped
  2. When the baseline action is started and #1

Thanks @jgstew

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