SELinux is to be enabled

I want to create custom Checklist to verify that SELinux is Enabled or not in Red Hat server 6, plz help to configure the same.

As a note, this check already exists in the Compliance content that we provide.


I found below checks in CIS checks for RHEL 6, which on is for check the status of SELinux service is enable please suggest

127226 Ensure the SELinux state is enforcing
127271 Ensure the MCS Translation Service (mcstrans) is not installed
127472 Ensure SETroubleshoot is not installed
127383 Ensure SELinux policy is configured
127386 Ensure SELinux is not disabled in bootloader configuration
127267 Ensure no unconfined daemons exist
127213 Ensure SELinux is installed

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Take a look at the first one in your list:

127226 Ensure the SELinux state is enforcing

If SELinux is set to ‘enforcing’, it is enabled.