(imported topic written by ageorgiev)
I have been working on putting a few tasks/fixlets in using multiple unsecure and one secure parameters, however, I can only seem to get it to work if it’s only 1 secure and 1 unsecure. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong?
The following code is working:
<P>This task will create a new standard user account on a windows machine. If the account name already exists, the password will NOT be updated.</P>
<TD><LABEL for=account>Account Name: </LABEL></TD>
<TD><INPUT id=accname type=text name=account></TD>
<TD><LABEL for=pass>Password: </LABEL></TD>
<TD><INPUT id=pwd type=password name=secret></TD>
document.body.ontakeaction = function() {
var thePass = document.getElementById( "pwd" ).value;
var theAccount = document.getElementById( "accname" ).value;
TakeSecureFixletAction( Relevance('id of current fixlet'), Relevance('id of current bes site'), "Action1", {account: theAccount}, { password: thePass } );
return false;
As soon as I add a second unsecure parameter, it doesn’t seem to work:
<P>This task will create a new standard user account on a windows machine. If the account name already exists, the password will NOT be updated.</P>
<TD><LABEL for=ticket>Ticket #: </LABEL></TD>
<TD><INPUT id=ticket name=ticket></TD>
<TD><LABEL for=account>Account Name: </LABEL></TD>
<TD><INPUT id=accname type=text name=account></TD>
<TD><LABEL for=pass>Password: </LABEL></TD>
<TD><INPUT id=pwd type=password name=secret></TD>
document.body.ontakeaction = function() {
var thePass = document.getElementById( "pwd" ).value;
var theAccount = document.getElementById( "accname" ).value;
var theTicket = document.getElementById( "ticket" ).value;
TakeSecureFixletAction( Relevance('id of current fixlet'), Relevance('id of current bes site'), "Action1", {account: theAccount}, {ticket: theTicket}, { password: thePass } );
return false;
My guess is that the TakeSecureFixletAction() function is not called correctly (the second unsecure parameter needs to be passed in a different way) but I am not sure what the correct syntax is. Thanks in advance.