Searching file with string

(imported topic written by kaushalw91)

I want to look in C:\Documents and Settings folder for the following string in a filename “0348&ab=AB”. If we get a hit, I want the workstation info, folder path, the filename, and the modified date on the file. I check couple of post but was not successful. I used relevance debugger but had couple of errors.

(imported comment written by chenbr91)

can you post your relevance here and we can give some suggestions?

Additionally, this should be moved to the Fixlet Authoring Page.

(imported comment written by kaushalw91)

I used for suggestions, but could not figure out. In my case I am not looking for a specific file but looking for a string in filename.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi kaushalw,

Are you trying to search all subfolders too?

If so, you can try using brolly’s technique: but change the one line:

runhidden {pathname of system folder}\cmd.exe /C dir /s /b c:*.MP3 >"{pathname of parent folder of regapp “besclient.exe”}\searchresults_MP3.txt"


runhidden {pathname of system folder}\cmd.exe /C dir /s /b c:0348?ab?AB.* >"{pathname of parent folder of regapp “besclient.exe”}\searchresults_MP3.txt"

Note that it seems “&” and “=” are special characters for the “dir” command so I used “?” instead…


(imported comment written by kaushalw91)

I get this error message in Relevance Debugger " This expression contained a character which is not allowed" I think “” and “.” is not allowed. All Clients and servers are 7.1. Let me know the syntax if it has changed. Relevance Debugger version is



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Kaushal,

You will need to run this as an action (not a relevance expression). You can do this by testing using a custom Fixlet/action in BigFix or by running the “Fixlet Debugger” using the “Action” abilities.


(imported comment written by kaushalw91)

Thanks Ben. I had created a batch file with same DIR command and used software distribution wizard to pust o all client and execute. The output of that batch file would be in some folder located in c:. I hope the command you gave me does the same.

I used relevance debugger to check the syntax. However for Fixlet authoring you have mentioned about “Fixlet debugger” I was not able to find that. Let me know if you have that or can be downloaded.

(imported comment written by jessewk)

Fixlet debugger: