Scheduled Report send email when computers low on space

Hi Guys,
I’m wondering if anyone could help out with me creating a report that sends out an email if computers in a certain custom site hit 5% or less of free space remaining on their C drives. I should be fine creating the report itself but I’m not too great when it comes to using the relevance of the scheduled activity portion of it…

Here’s a sample session relevance you might leverage for the custom report (which returns the computer names and % free space) - please replace |group name here| with your group filter:

(item 2 of it, (item 0 of it as floating point / item 1 of it as floating point) * 100) of (((preceding texts of firsts " " of values of result (item 0 of it, item 1 of it)) , (preceding texts of firsts " " of values of result (item 0 of it, item 2 of it)), names of item 0 of it) of (elements of union of (member sets of bes computer groups whose (name of it as lowercase = “|group name here|” as lowercase)), bes property “Free Space on System Drive”,bes property “Total Size of System Drive”)) whose ((item 0 of it as floating point / item 1 of it as floating point) * 100 < 5)

As far as scheduling the report, there are a variety of ways you can trigger it. The default option of triggering the scheduled activity only when the report has changed can be useful here in and of itself. But if you specifically want to trigger the activity when there is at least one endpoint with less than 5%, you might leverage the following to ‘match relevance conditions’ and generate report when relevance is true:

exists (((preceding texts of firsts " " of values of result (item 0 of it, item 1 of it)) , (preceding texts of firsts " " of values of result (item 0 of it, item 2 of it)), names of item 0 of it) of (elements of union of (member sets of bes computer groups whose (name of it as lowercase = “|group name here|” as lowercase)), bes property “Free Space on System Drive”,bes property “Total Size of System Drive”)) whose ((item 0 of it as floating point / item 1 of it as floating point) * 100 < 5)

(once again, you’ll have to replace |group name here| with the desired group filter)

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