SCA import failing Violation of Primary Key


Getting import failing issue with below error code.

BFI version :- 1.10.1


Is this SCA or BFI? The log looks like SCA.

Have a look at Duplicate x-fixlet-scm-id when installing Compliance 1.9 and the support article linked there. Security Checklist fixlets can’t just be copied and pasted, they have some metadata not visible in the console that is used in the SCA database. The relevance and database queries can help identify the duplicates, which you will need to delete or export-edit-import to make the x-fixlet-scm-id values unique.

To make custom copies of the checklist or individual fixlets, use the checklist wizards in the future.

It’s SCA with 1.10.1 version,

Result getting 0 not seems any duplicate value,


Now I’ve found a couple of different articles and it seems that more primary keys may be used in different tables. From your log capture, it looks like the fixlet with a duplicate value is fixlet id 195. Can you try these session relevance queries? You may need to open a PMR with support, but I’d like to come up with a generalized query to find all the bad conditions -

(id of it, name of site of it) of bes fixlets whose (id of it = 195)

and this one

((names of it, values of it) of mime fields of it, name of site of it) of bes fixlets whose (id of it = 195)

If those don’t get us results, we can take a different approach and search for the particular value it seems is failing the import. You can try this one -

((names of it, values of it) of mime fields of it, name of site of it, id of it) of bes fixlets whose (exists mime fields whose (value of it starts with "Jul 12 2019 7:00 AM") of it)

Tried above query but getting the same result that’s 0 hence I have opne case with HCL.