Sas 9.4 Renewal


I do not see much about this. I have spent a lot of time on the below code. Any suggestions if anyone has renewed sas or something similar. This code, through a batch file works on endpoints manually running it on each computer. I have tried two methods with similar results. I have made so many revisions but I believe I am not far from finding a working solution. I am currently getting a Completed with Exit Code=1 or Exit Code=-1 with both methods. I wanted to reference the SAS documentation that I am using. Page 4 of this document is what I am leveraging.

The first method:
wait cmd.exe /c “C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\sasdm.exe” -wait -quiet -responsefile “C:\sas\”

wait cmd.exe /c “C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\sasdm.exe -wait -quiet -responsefile C:\sas\”

waithidden cmd.exe /c “C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\sasdm.exe” -wait -quiet -responsefile “C:\sas\”

waithidden cmd.exe /c “C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\sasdm.exe -wait -quiet -responsefile C:\sas\”

Got Exit Code=-1 with these below

waithidden “C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\sasdm.exe” -quiet -wait -responsefile “C:\sas\”

waithidden “C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\sasdm.exe” -wait -quiet -responsefile “C:\sas\”

Second Method - I have used wait and waithidden interchangeably like above.

action uses wow64 redirection false
Delete __appendfile
Appendfile cd “{pathname of program files folder}\SASHome\SASDeploymentManager\9.4”
Appendfile sasdm.exe -wait -quiet -responsefile “C:\sas\”
Delete doit.cmd
Move __appendfile doit.cmd
Wait cmd.exe /c doit.cmd