Running a exe to include a serial number for the install

I’m trying to run action script to run a .exe file with a command to install a serial number, but falling short.

What am I missing?

waithidden cmd.exe /C c:\install\McAfee App Control\setup-win-7-2008r2-amd64- /s /v /qn SERIALNUMBER=0710-2208-1402-0108-2708

Thank you for taking the time to take a look.

What do you get as an Error Message?
Anything in the Client Logs?
Anything listed in the Action results?

Try this:

waithidden "c:\install\McAfee App Control\setup-win-7-2008r2-amd64-" /s /v /qn SERIALNUMBER=0710-2208-1402-0108-2708

A path with spaces always needs to be enclosed with "

You generally don’t need cmd /C for most exe files, though in some cases you do.

You might have to enclose the parameters for the MSI in quotes as well:

waithidden "c:\install\McAfee App Control\setup-win-7-2008r2-amd64-" /s /v"/qn SERIALNUMBER=0710-2208-1402-0108-2708"