Run BES Client Diagnostics task and a bad SHA1 value

(imported topic written by delichty91)

I issued an action to run the BES Client diagnostics task against a client I am having some issues with. Upon running the task it encountered a problem with the download for ParseRelaysDotDat.exe (from I downloaded the file manually and checked it using the sha1.exe tool. It came back with SHA1 and size values that do not match the action script.

I created a custom copy of the task, changing the SHA1 and Size values in the action script. The action was able to successfully download and verify this executable.

The action script from the original task is as follows:

//Delete previous files

delete __appendfile

delete rmdir.bat

appendfile @ECHO OFF

appendfile rmdir /s /q “{ pathname of client folder of current site }__besdiag” > NUL 2> NUL

move __appendfile rmdir.bat

wait “{pathname of client folder of current site & “\RunQuiet.exe”}” rmdir.bat

//Download and run the Silent Diagnostics

prefetch BESClientDiagnostics.exe sha1:e7d8bd7f665eb3d7a083126d5ab642150f1d79fe size:2703447

prefetch SiteDataReader.exe sha1:8893e02d001c3a55aa45a1c7b2d458bf7f9d7f8f size:354816

prefetch ParseRelaysDotDat.exe sha1:162f3f200f6f40a0bb8c2e1bf1d7703960ffc105 size:299008

delete __appendfile

delete client.bat

appendfile @ECHO OFF

appendfile start “”/min /b /wait “{pathname of client folder of current site & “__Download\BESClientDiagnostics.exe”}” -o __besdiag > NUL 2> NUL

move __appendfile client.bat

wait {pathname of client folder of current site & “\RunQuiet.exe”} client.bat

// set max size to 20971520 to prevent too much data. If the zip file is to bigger than 20MBs the upload won’t occur

setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_MaxArchiveSize”=“10971520” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client

setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_OperatingMode”=“2” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client

setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-client”="{pathname of client folder of current site & “__besdiag*.*”}" on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client

// send results

archive now

The “prefetch” line I used to get this to work is as follows:

prefetch ParseRelaysDotDat.exe sha1:09406da1a69524af33937339b4ea8c071ccd99e3 size:320512

If the file I manually downloaded from is corrupt or in any way incorrect, please let me know. I have not actually executed ParseRelaysDotDat.exe yet (in case there is a problem with it). Otherwise, could somebody update the task?
