I am trying run below query using API but parameter “CID_FillData” values are completely dynamic it could be might carrying one value in it or could be 1000 values in it. Because of that relevance is not getting through & giving error as “This expression is very long”
"ids of bes computers whose (%22|{parameter "CID_FillData"}|%22 as lowercase contains (%22%7C%22 & name of it as lowercase & %22%7C%22))"
Is there any option we can use rope inspector for splitting content over the fly & than join them, so that it will be efficiently executed without any error.
You can (see example below - I would generate the string of ropes via for loop in javascript and just replace it within the session relevance) but be careful of how much data you pass. As of 9.5.x there was a “bug” (to me it’s a bug but L3 never accepted it to be a bug and kept claiming it’s “by design”) that the overall character length of the session relevance is limited and when you hit the threshold Web Reports was just crashing hard (service goes down with respective EventID and stop code). Granted it was occurring when I would pass 8000 computer names in this manner but still… I was supposed to test it back within v10 and see where it stands but our operators got used to the limit we put in place to safeguard and never got a chance to pick that back up… Maybe it’s fixed, maybe it’s not but just FYI…
bes computers whose ((rope “,” & rope “,name1” & rope “,name2” & rope “,name3” & rope “,name4” & rope “,name5” & rope “,”) contains (","& name of it as lowercase &","))