RHEL patches are failing and and when I check the info it is getting failed at last step
RHEL Plugin is up to date
RHEL patches are failing and and when I check the info it is getting failed at last step
RHEL Plugin is up to date
Take a look at the EDR log files on the client. That will help.
Is your cert valid?
yes cert is valid
but still it is showing in RHSM protocol logs
Could not find System Identity Certificate and Entitlement Certificate ‘E:\Apps\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\DownloadPlugins\RHSMProtocol\certs’
@jatinkhanna, can you verify that you’ve implemented the RHSM Plug-in (Red Hat) version in the Manage Download Plug-ins dashboard? Also, do you have both the entitlement and identity certificates (i.e. .pem files) located under the following path?
(DRIVE):\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\DownloadPlugins\RHSMProtocol\certs\cert_set_1
These certs would come directly from the RHEL access portal.
are these 2 different .pem files , I can see only 1 .pem file present at this location
On my root BES server (Win2k16 / MSSQL2k16) it’s two distinct PEM files that were obtained via the RHEL access portal.
thanks I will check and get back to you and plugin version is up to date
Two questions for you:
Have you successfully patched RHEL endpoints in the past?
Have you imported the RPM-GPG-KEY?
As @Jared mentioned, the EDR logs will hold some key information as to why the patches are failing. Take a look at EDR_DeploymentResults.txt (located in /var/opt/BESClient/EDRDeployData/).
Our main root server is windows ,Can we register a windows server as a system in Red Hat portal and attach a subscription to it so that patches come in main Windows root server console
@jatinkhanna, yes you can register a Windows root BES server in the RHEL Access portal. The following screenshots are from my RHEL Access portal for my Win2k16 LAB root BES server.