Hi All,
I wanted to know how and where does the RHEL patches gets cached onto the server.
Basically below is my issues:
In our environment we have a golden image of RHEL 7.4 version, whenever we want to create a new VM of RHEL we install via this image and later we patch that system, we deploy all the relevant patches in which my count of the patches goes to nearby 350 patches of all the severity eg( Critical,Important,Medium ,Low and Superseded). Currently we are into our testing phase and we are doing testing onto few of the systems, so while testing the deployment we deploy the patches on the systems which have same number of patches applicable for both of the test system.
So when we push patches on Test system 1 it takes 1 hour to complete 1 baseline which consist 50 patches including GPG key. If we deploy same baseline to the Test system 2 it takes nearby 50 mins to complete the baseline.
So my question is if the patches are getting cached onto the server why it is taking time for the patches to get completed second time and where does the patches gets cached onto the server. We are finding it difficult to search on the server as in the action script we do not see the Sha1 value.
We are using plugin method to deploy patches.