RHEL AS4 DMI Problems

(imported topic written by arpotu91)


Trying to use DMI to pull info off of one of our (fully patched) Redhat Enterprise Linux AS4 servers.

Queries against DMI from the BES console were failing, so I tried the local linux “qna” debugger, and here are the results:

root@us1ptiv1 bin


BESClientConfigPath must be set

BESClientActionMastheadPath not set, using /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm

Q: if exists dmi then (TRUE) else (FALSE)

A: False

T: 13331820

…so, the BigFix client isn’t seeing DMI active…

…but, when I use “dmidecode” it returns proper values, so it can see the DMI Table.

root@us1ptiv1 bin

dmidecode -s system-serial-number


root@us1ptiv1 bin

Any ideas as to what could be going on?



(imported comment written by arpotu91)

soooo… no answer on this one?

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

What happens – on boxes where the dmidecode command is working – if you run the dmidecode command from an Action generated in the Console?

(imported comment written by arpotu91)

This action script:


  1. Enter your action script here

/usr/sbin/dmidecode -s system-serial-number

…completes. But - that doesn’t give me the results I’m looking for. I have a custom property, HWSerialNumber that I would like to collect for all machines, both Windows and Unix. In Windows, that’s easy:

if (exists wmi) then (string values of selects “IdentifyingNumber from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct” of wmi) else (“N/A”)

…but without DMI working from a relevance perspective, I can’t get the HWSerialNumber from Linux servers. I suspect I’m going to run into the same problem with AIX, Solaris, etc…

Here’s the code I’m tinkering with:

if (name of operating system as lowercase starts with “win”) then (if (exists wmi) then (string values of selects “IdentifyingNumber from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct” of wmi) else (“N/A”)) else (if (name of operating system as lowercase starts with “lin”) then ("/usr/sbin/dmidecode -s system-serial-number") else “dunno”)

…see what I’m trying to do?