RHEL 5.8 - BESClient dead but subsys locked

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

We recently installed a few RHEL (Redhat) 5.8 with Tivoli Endpoint Manager (Bigfix) version 8.1.608 cleint and relay. One issue that we are running into is that these machines client stops running at random times throughout the day. When I check services I see the following:

BESClient dead but subsys locked

I then have to run the command rm -f /var/lock/subsys/BESClient and restart the service.

Does anyone have a fix or something we did incorrectly during the install. The number of clients reporting to these relays vary from 200 to 1500.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Log file from one of the machines that experienced this issue today

At 12:44:54 -0700 -


At 12:44:55 -0700 -

Client shutdown (Fatal communication error)

At 13:55:49 -0700 -

Starting client version 8.1.608.0

FIPS mode disabled by default.