Hi All,
I am not sure how many people here also use ITM in their environments like I do. I created the RFE https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rfe/execute?use_case=viewRfe&CR_ID=128607 to see if ITM could create fixlets for BigFix like it created the SPB/SPDs for TCM/TPM.
Since ITM had this functionality for TCM/TPM, I thought it would be best to create under the ITM brand rather than BigFix. I do know that BigFix Labs has some fixlets for TWS,
A long time ago I did create a blog on converting the SPD to a fixlet which worked (for the most part, but I have modified the process a bit since). The blog can be found at http://blog.gulfsoft.com/2014/01/creating-itm-deployment-packages-for.html