Reversing upgrade from 10.0.1 to 9.5.15

I am trying to understand the potential problems performing the following task. The server was upgraded to 10.0.1. Historical data was removed and is being requested by customer. My options are to restore a week old backup and apply the server upgrade. Through my efforts, I can upgrade the server without removing the historical data. Currently cients, relays and consoles have been upgraded to version 10.

  1. can I capture the current version vm as a snaphot to redeploy if I encounter major problems with this process

  2. Since I’ve updated clients and relays, what types of problems will I encounter performing this. Will the clients and relays respond to the restored server version upgrade afterwards?

Thank you

First, I’d really recommend opening a Support Incident, or possibly even engage the Services team to help.

If I understand correctly, within the last week you both upgraded to 10.0.1 and also removed historical data, and are considering restoring a week-old backup, reverting to 9.5.something, and the re-perform the upgrade, this time without removing historical data?

If the BESAdmin cleanup has not already run and purged deleted records from your database, the historical data you deleted may still be there and just need to be un-marked as deleted. That’s a simpler operation and Support can help with that.

If you actually do need to restore, I’d treat it as a Disaster Recovery. I expect that would work ok. The main problems I’d expect to see are

  • Losing records of any actions or fixlets you updated after the backup was taken
  • Clients and Relays reporting in their logs “Server is returning old data” when gathering site or action updates.

Your Site versions (including actionsite and operator sites) have been updating since your backup was taken. Clients will not accept site updates from your new server until the restored site versions are incremented to be higher than the site versions they are seeing from your server today. You can increment the site versions by repeatedly taking empty actions or publishing empty fixlets until your restored server’s site versions are higher than what the relays/clients are seeing today, but Support has a SQL procedure they can use to help get you there more quickly.

10.x Relays and Clients reporting to a 9.5 server is not officially supported, but in practice that should be ok. Still, before you restore I’d recommend snapshotting the server, then isolating it from the network until you’ve
restored and successfully re-upgraded it. That could be as simple as a Windows Firewall rule blocking inbound 52311 and 52315.


The BESAdmin cleanup was performed and purged the deleted records. I will have a couple of vm restored dataed 4/23 and 4/25 to verify if the missing data is visible for the customer before continuing. Thank you for your help.I will have questions regarding the site versions to get an understanding of what’s needed.

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