Retrieve WMI Array?

(imported topic written by MattBoyd)

Maybe I’m missing something obvious but I can’t figure out how to retrieve WMI array properties from a WMI query. For example, this query returns nothing even though I know that there’s a value in the array:

string values of property “ListOfLanguages” of select objects “ListOfLanguages from Dell_BIOSElement” of wmi “root\DELLOMCI”

ListOfLanguages is an array of string.

(imported comment written by amagewick91)

I have wondered this as well. I haven’t been able to get anything to work outside of "string values of select “xxxxxxx from yyyyyyy” of wmi “root\DELLOMCI”


(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

I don’t have the Dell OMCI namespace, but the following properties returning array values work for me.

q: integer values of properties "Capabilities" of select objects "Capabilities from Win32_DiskDrive" of wmi
A: 3
A: 4
A: 10
A: 3
A: 4
A: 3
A: 4
A: 7
q: string values of selects "ListOfLanguages from Win32_BIOS" of wmi
A: enUS
q: string values of property "ListOfLanguages" of select objects "ListOfLanguages from Win32_BIOS" of wmi
A: enUS

(imported comment written by MattBoyd)

Interesting… seems like it only works with Uint16

] arrays, but not Int32[

or String[]. Can anyone else confirm this?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I am having the very same issue

Q: string values of properties "Scriptmaps" of (select objects "* from IISWebServiceSetting" of wmi "\root\Microsoftiisv2")
T: 34.573 ms
I: plural string

When I query the value using metabase inspectors I get the actual value, but I’d much rather use WMI than write the logic for querying values from four levels of the metabase.

Q: substrings separated by "%00" of ((values whose(identifier of it as string = "6014") of keys "/LM/W3SVC" of metabase) as string)
A: .asax,C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_isapi.dll,5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG
A: .ascx,C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_isapi.dll,5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG
A: .vsdisco,C:\WINDOWS\Micrrosoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_isapi.dll,5,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG
T: 42.609
I: plural substring