We are seeing that bigfix client is unable to restart an AIX server. We used different commands like
restart 0
restart 10
wait "/bin/sh shutdown -Fr"
wait "/usr/sbin/shutdown -Fr"
run /usr/sbin/shutdown -Fr
run /bin/sh -c “trap ‘’ 15; shutdown -Fr”
None of these work. However I am able to execute these commands successfully on the server side.
Is there a known issue with AIX clients?
The exact way the event is requested by the client is to execute the following. This would be done with the restart command or flagging the action to restart after completion
As you specified the command though in your testing, the AIX client method shouldn’t matter as it would just execute the shutdown (and we don’t recommend doing it that way but its valid for this test)
Does your system log indicate that something cannot be shut down? Is the client running as root?