i want to be able to exclude a handful of machines from getting my weekly restart fixlet. I want to be able to be able to select the “All computers with the property values selected in the tree below” option but just not these few machines. I also do not want to lock the machine, or else it wont get any other push. Any suggestions.
If you are allowed to add custom content then you can add a client setting, WeeklyReboot would be a good name, to each machine that you want to avoid and set the value to “NO”. In the console right click the computer or computers that you want to add the WeeklyReboot client setting and choose Edit Computer Settings.
Then when you target your weekly reboot action under the constraints tab>computer>Run Only When
WeeklyReboot does not match NO
as an additional constraint. This will avoid the machines that have the setting.
If you do not have rights to create custom content you can still use this method but you will need a Master Operator or someone that has custom content authoring rights to initially create this custom client setting.
I am doing as per brolly’s instructions. But when I set the Constraint, ALL my PC’s, even those that don’t have the setting show as Constrained.
I used WeeklyReboot and set it to NO. My constraint is Run only When - WeeklyReboot does not match NO. My other clients do not have anything set for them, so they show as .
I think the way the relevance is generated using the constraints option might require that a value exists for the setting AND that the value is not NO. In this case, the setting doesn’t exist at all so it is constrained.
I’d try creating a policy to set the WeeklyReboot on all machines to ‘Yes’ and then after that change the WeeklyReboot setting on machines you want to be excepted to ‘No’. Note that the order you do this is important.
To make a policy out of the WeeklyReboot setting, in the Edit Settings dialog for multiple computers uncheck the ‘Ends on’ box on the constraints tab and on the target tab choose the second radio button and target all computers.