RESTAPI: PUT not updating fixlet

Hello everyone
We’re on 9.2.6, and I’m experiencing a weird behaviour using the RESTAPI to update our fixlets.
…while POSTing a fixlet to
works perfectly,
PUTting to
does not, and returns me a 500 server error.
POSTing to the same URI gets me a new fixletID.

I’ve read here that PUT may be behaving differently from expected (appending instead of updating) but for me it seems to be a completely different issue…
any idea?

Many thanks!

Are you supplying the full XML for the fixlet? The XML payload of the PUT can’t just be the part you want to modify, it has to contain all the elements of the fixlet.

Hi Steve
I think I found out why… I was expecting an XML answer, (like POSTing does) but instead it seems the PUTting instead replies with a string with just the ID of the updated fixlet…
is this the expected behaviour?

Yes, that’s what the doc lists as the response:

Many thanks Steve
I had given for granted to expect the same reply… and I was wrong :frowning:
Again, thanks!