REST API xml data questions for Patching Support tasks Install packages for Linux

Will develop with REST API to execute task Install packages by using
yum with ID 18 for Red Hat and Install packages by using zypper with ID
19 for SUSE Linux from external patch site Patching Support.

For task Install packages by using yum with ID 18 will execute

action parameter query “YumFlags” with description "Enter the
additional flags and arguments to be passed to yum install or update
commands. (e.g. ‘–skip-broken --exclude=package1,package2’)"
Majority of time will install single rpm with parameter YumFlags value
–cve CVE-2015-8704
Could also install multiple rpms with parameter YumFlags value of:
–cve CVE-2015-8704,CVE-2015-8138,CVE-2015-7529

For task Install packages by using zypper with ID 19 will execute

action parameter query “PackageNames” with description "Enter the CVE
number of the security patch that you want to install. You can specify
one CVE reference only."
Can only install a single rpm with with parameter PackageNames value of:
doc_9.1/Platform/Config/c_actions.html documents xml data for action to
execute above tasks with ActionSite,
42 to target computers with .
Also reviewed web link

I also need to specify the parameter YumFlags value for Red Hat and
parameter PackageNames value for SUSE Linux. Also schedule execution
with start date, time and end date, time with a timezone.
What xml data do I add for this?

Are you just trying to install single items or many?

If you are using the REST API, you could just make a custom action that installs a particular item.

The XML needed should be similar to any action with parameters.

The XML required is defined in the BES.xsd and the BESAPI.xsd schema files which are available on DevWorks as well as on the root server itself.