Rest API to query computer by serial number (custom property)

I need to query computers with the rest api based on serial number which is a custom property we use. The following does not work:

(id of it) of bes computers whose ("Serial Number" of it as string = "xxxxxxxx")

How do I get the query to show a computer given the custom property “Serial Number”?

Try this -

(id of it) of bes computers whose (value of results from (bes property "Serial Number") of it as string = "XXXXXX")

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This works thank you so much!

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You should be able to optimize it a bit (right now it queries both bes properties and bes computers which can get very costly), you can bring it down to one query:

(id of computer of it) of results whose (exist value whose (it as string = "XXXXX") of it) of bes property "Serial Number"