I’m developing an integration that is pulling data out of BigFix via its REST API. For this I have a custom analysis that is collecting data from the clients, and I can retrieve this data, so all good. I also want to pull out general device details, but the complete set of data seems to come from multiple analyses, and I’m not sure how to link all of this data together in a single session relevance query.
So my question is, how in a session relevance query can I join results from multiple analyses so I get an output something like:
device name, domain, make, model, cpu name, cpu count, core count, ram, last logged user, BIOS date (and more.)
Any help and advice in this regard would be helpful.
Okay, so I did some additional digging and found another post which gave a pretty good example for properties. So here is my version of it:
(name of it as string & ";" &
(value of results from (bes properties "Domain/Workgroup - Windows") of it | "") & ";" &
(value of results from (bes properties "Full Operating System Name and Service Pack Level - Windows") of it | "") & ";" &
(value of results from (bes properties "OS Version Number - Windows") of it | "") & ";" &
(value of results from (bes properties "Physical Processor Count") of it | ""))
of bes computers whose (operating system of it as lowercase starts with "win")
How can I do something similar with analysis results?
While you can certainly prepare such session relevance yourself, I’ll often use @leewei’s Excel Connector to help build something like this because it makes it fast and easy!
You can use the Query Wizard to select the desired properties to include (in this case, try the BES Computers report type), add a filter if necessary, and click ‘Execute Query’ to return the data. Then if you are happy with the results, click the ‘Show Relevance Code’ button in the toolbar to see the relevance leveraged to generate the output.
The Excel Connector looks perfect for my needs, its exactly what I was after. Unfortunately I cannot get it to work. I’ve installed v3.3.3 and am using it with Excel 2013. When I set the configuration and click test I get the message:
The request failed with HTTP status 405: Method Not Allowed
I’m using the same URL and username and password I have been accessing the API with via a web browser: https://:52311
I can’t seem to get it to connect to my BigFix 9.2 server.