REST API query Relevance statement that shows Patch Installed

I could use some help with this API Relevance statement which is showing applicable patch date which is shows for each patch site which selects the source severity to report on. How can this be modified to now show the installed date of the patch if installed? The below is an example of windows and RHEL 6. They are the same. The key is we are looking for installed date not last relevant date. Any thoughts?

Patches for Windows

(source id of fixlet of it as string,source severity of fixlet of it as string,source of fixlet of it as string,category of fixlet of it as string,name of fixlet of it as string,name of computer of it as string,

last became relevant of it as string, (value of client settings whose(name of it = “Department”)of it | “None”) of computer of it , (value of client settings whose(name of it = “System Function”)of it | “None”)of computer of it )

of results from (bes fixlets whose (fixlet flag of it and display name of site of it contains “Patches for Windows” and “|” & category of it & “|” is contained by

("|Critical Updates|Security Advisory|Security Hotfix|Security Update|Service Pack|")

)) whose (exists first became relevant of it and relevant flag of it = true) of members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = “CIP - All”)


(source id of fixlet of it as string,source severity of fixlet of it as string,source of fixlet of it as string,category of fixlet of it as string,name of fixlet of it as string,name of computer of it as string,

last became relevant of it as string, (value of client settings whose(name of it = “Department”) of it | “None”) of computer of it, (value of client settings whose(name of it = “System Function”)of it | “None”)of computer of it )of results from

(bes fixlets whose (fixlet flag of it and display name of site of it contains “Patches for RHEL6 - Native Tools” and “|” & category of it & “|” is contained by ("|Security Advisory|")

)) whose (exists first became relevant of it and relevant flag of it = true) of members of bes computer groups whose (name of it =

“CIP - All”)

Not sure if your are looking out this
Patch & Install Date relevance code:-

((if (exists property "HotFixID" of it) then (string value of property "HotFixID" of it) else ("")), (if (exists property "InstalledOn" of it) then ((if (exists hexadecimal integer (it)) then (((month of it as integer as string&"/"& day_of_month of it as integer as string&"/"&year of it as string) of ((january 1 of 1601)+((hexadecimal integer (it)/(864000000000))*day))) of it) else (it)) of string value of property "InstalledOn" of it) else ("")), (if (exists property "Description" of it) then (string value of property "Description" of it) else (""))) of select objects "* from Win32_QuickFixEngineering" of WMI

Thanks for bring this to my attention but I have taken a look at it however my requirement includes other OS such as RHEL. thanks for the suggestion.

The console won’t know the “patch installed date” unless you have client relevance retrieving that and uploading it as an analysis property. Do you have that much yet?

Hi Jason,

No I was thinking I could use session relevance to and instead to bes fixlets use BES Action Result object, which will tie it back to the BES Action which has been suggested.

When trying to define this there is a syntax error

I updated the original post from @mail2vij to add code tags around his relevance query. The forum was interpreting some of the text as forum tags, for instance losing the “*” in (some number * day)

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