REST API - Dynamically target by Property

Hi guys. Im using REST API to to create an action (SingleAction) and I want to dynamically target by property, same as using the console.

For example, in console : Take Action -> Target -> By Retrieved Properties -> By OS

I have no problem passing in the Relevance clause to target the correct Endpoints using REST. I can go to Actions and the “Reported Computers” tab will confirm that. But if I look at a completed action in Console I created using REST, the “Target” tab only displays “All computers”. Is there a way to use REST API to show the user what was targeted , same as the Action -> “Target” tab in a console created action? ( I cant upload screenshots alas )

Thanks a lot for any suggestions guys.

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The REST API does not currently support targeting by property in a way that displays as console-created actions are, so using relevance for targeting is the appropriate way to accomplish this. But when using custom relevance for targeting, you should see this in the console:


Ok, thanks for the reply Steve.

Additionally, the REST API does not currently support targeting by group in a way that displays as console-created actions are displayed, so relevance for targeting should be used to accomplish this. REST: Take action on computerGroup should provide more information.