REST API - Can create Operator but NOT set password?

Hello everyone!
I was wondering… using the REST APIs I can create an operator, give him roles and so on… but how can I set its password? Is the console the only way to do that?
I hope not, as I’m using several REST-Only operators, and I explicitly DON’T want them to be able to login to the console…

Many thanks to anyone willing to help… :slight_smile:

Yes, you can change local operator password using REST API.

Resource /api/operator/<username>
Method PUT
Request body could be as simple as

<BESAPI xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BESAPI.xsd">
<Operator Resource="https://bfserverhostname:52311/api/operator/username">

Many thanks Roman!
I had totally missed it in BESAPI.XSD :confused: