Requires HP client - IBM bigfix version 9.5.7

Hi all,

I want to upgrade BIGFIX client 9.5.7 agent on HP box but i can not find it on console or .

The reason i want it because i am implementing timeout feature in my fixlets and agent version 9.5.7 is required in that case.

Is there any chance i can get 9.5.7 for HP OR any other version supporting timeout feature OR other alternatives?

Thanks in advance!

Very unlikely to happen. See: HP-UX Support dropped in BigFix 9.5

You can install the latest 9.2 version of the BigFix Client to keep your non-supported OSes in BigFix.

So what and which agent i can use to implement timeout feature in fixlets? please suggest!

Do you mean , if i install HP-UX client 9.2.9 then timeout feature in bigfix will be supported and work like as expected.

As explained in the URL of my comment, there will not be any HPUX agent builds in 9.5. The timeout feature is currently only available in 9.5.

If you want it supported for 9.2, you will need to open a RFE. The alternative is you implement your own timeout by running your action in a shell script and have the shell script kill the process after a certain time.

Okays, thanks. I will work on your suggestion.

Hi @zevanty

do you find it fine?
wait su - {parameter “runAs”} -c "nohup {parameter “draftORScript”} {parameter “sTargetName”} ‘{parameter “imageName”}’ {parameter “actionID”} {parameter “requestNumber”} ‘{parameter “sUrlBigFixAPI”}’ {parameter “sSiteName”} {parameter “sUsrNm”} {parameter “sPswd”} {parameter “sPPMFxletID”} {parameter “sPPMFxletTarget”} & "

Parameters like “draftPPMScript” are mentioned above in the code but do you see my execution fine?

Without seeing your full actionscript, it’s hard to tell, but you should just test it and see if it works.