Requested Report: List of Relevant Machines not targeted by open Act

(imported topic written by wnolan91)

I would like to know if anyone has created or knows of a way to create a report that goes against all Relevant Machines to a specific Fixlet, and determines which machines are not targeted by an Open Action.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Bill,

This is actually a little tricky… Here is what I came up with:

<?relevance unordered list of names of items 0 of (bes computers, it) whose ((relevant ((item 1 of it),(item 0 of it))) AND (not exists action results whose (id of source fixlet of action of it = 604601) of item 0 of it ) ) of (fixlet 604601 of bes site whose (name of it = "Enterprise Security"))?>

You can change the Fixlet ID in the bold places to the Fixlet you want to query…

Note that this report tells you if there are any computers that are reporting that this Fixlet is relevant AND it doesn’t have an action result. That is different from if the computer hasn’t been targeted (the computer may have been targeted but it has not responded yet for any reason).

Let me know how long it takes to run this report in your deployment. I am hoping less than a minute or so, but you have so many computers I am not sure).

Hope that helps. Let me know if that is close to what you want.


(imported comment written by wnolan91)


I put the below in a Custom report and after about a 1/2 hour of running I killed it because it was still running… could I be missing something?


<?relevance unordered list of names of items 0 of (bes computers, it) whose ((relevant ((item 1 of it),(item 0 of it))) AND (not exists action results whose (id of source fixlet of action of it = 604601) of item 0 of it ) ) of (fixlet 604601 of bes site whose (name of it = "Enterprise Security"))?>
Computer Name

(imported comment written by jessewk)


Try this relevance clause and let us know if it works any better:

<?relevance unordered list of names of (applicable computers of (fixlet 604601 of bes site whose (name of it = "Enterprise Security"))) whose (disjunction of (not exists result (it, bes actions whose (id of source fixlet of it = 604601)))) ?>