Report session relevance on action history of baseline

Hi, is there a way to get Report session relevance on action history of baseline with details regarding each computer ?


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Thanks! but it doesn’t work, shows me an internet explorer error, any other solution maybe ? I also need a one that I can easly copy to csv or something

What is the error? Can you provide a screenshot?

Yes, but not super easy.

You can look at the session relevance within the file: bigfix-content/dashboards/BaselineStatusResults.ojo at main · jgstew/bigfix-content · GitHub

Not easy to unpack though.

Also, to get the action history of a baseline, that is the number of compontents times the number of computers targeted for the number of statuses you would need… so if it is 100 baseline items targeted to 10000 computers, then that is 1 million records to return.

Do you actually want a potentially 1 million+ line CSV? Or do you want only the items that have failed?

Can you provide an example of a baseline, the number of components it has, theoretical computers targeted, and then what that output would look like?

What is the goal?