This is beautiful! Could I talk you into changing the “critical / med / low”, to a drop down menu that will list baselines? In the real world, we create patch policies (baselines) and patch against those.
Thank you again! I’m learning to create my own reports but I spent no less than 12 hours this weekend and still don’t have anything this nice.
Looking at this code, I realize this is something we never could have done in house. I wish Web Reports were more point and click!
So, if one wanted to add the ability to drill down and see what patched were needed for each system, could that be done? Right now, clicking on a computer brings up all the computer information. Could things be done to enable the individual patches to be listed when one clicks on the server name - or perhaps the number of patches under “applicable patches?” Could this be expanded to be cross platform?
Again, much thanks, this will be extremely useful! Stuff like this should ship out of the box!
Crossing platform is doable, as we can switch the current filter by Site to any available site subscription.
I had thought about your other request - which is to drill into the vulnerable Fixlets. It is obvious and useful, but I can’t think of a way to do yet…
Again, this is great. Exactly what we were looking for - your time is very much appreciated. This is the kind of report BigFix should ship with the product.
To continue to improve on this, I would suggest to things (Reality Check - we are so happy with this report you can stop reading here). One is that some type of indicator be displayed showing that the report is running. The second is that once you have drilled down, if you could then click on the Relevant Computer count and have all the computers listed that need the patch. Kind of a Microsoft Patch Compliance by Patch report. Right now you can click on the name of the patch and you get dropped into the “old” style report. Which fully works - but it would just give the web reports a more polished look and feel.
(warning - thread hijack in progress) My only concern here is that once you drill down, there is no going back. You need to rerun the report. I’m curious - is this the direction web reports is going?
Thank you for the feedback and here are a few quick notes:
These custom reports do not reflect the direction of Web Reports for the future. We are using the reporting platform to customize the information and formatting. So it is simply one person’s preference (or capability…). Note that others prefer Flex and so on.
I am manipulating the data within the page dynamically, so the browser Back button does not work. Note that I have provided a BACK button that will preserve the information so that we don’t have to rerun the report.
Regarding the “progress indicator”, I notice that on IE, I cannot force the screen to update inflight. If you use FireFox, you will see the “searching…” and “processing…” messages.
Was wondering if we could get a version of this report that lists the needed patches instead of the number of needed patches?
This report is very useful and I have been using it. But, I have to click on the number of needed patches to see the list. It would be great to just see the list there.
Life is never simple :-), the latter one. Showing the details by default for all computers, just the needed patches. The patch’s description would do.
Bosses boss wants to see what computer needs what patch in one report.
How about an Option to check if you want to display the needed patches instead of the number with the link? This way we would have the best of both worlds.