I’m just starting to learn how Bigfix/IEM works. just to test the capability and how things work, I wrote a quick action script and having it act like a policy. The action script is simple:
dos echo %DATE%_%TIME% LoopTest3 >> c:\test.txt
…then set the Reapply this action > whenever it becomes relevant again. and no limit.
I found another post that talked about having to remove it being relevant, then making it relevant again. so for my testing, here’s the relevance I set.
(version of client >= "") AND ((exists true whose (if true then (exists (computer name) whose (it as string as lowercase = "MYNAME" as lowercase)) else false)) AND (exists true whose (if true then ((not exists last active time of it or (now - last active time of it) > (5 *minute)) of action) else false)))
Issue is, I’m not getting it to run every 5min.
Fri 03/06/2015_11:01:38.85 yay
Fri 03/06/2015_11:20:58.72 yay
Fri 03/06/2015_12:53:06.51 two
Fri 03/06/2015_13:22:09.12 two
Fri 03/06/2015_13:25:27.23 LoopTest
Fri 03/06/2015_13:59:30.46 LoopTest
Fri 03/06/2015_14:24:41.17 LoopTest2
Fri 03/06/2015_14:31:23.19 LoopTest2
Fri 03/06/2015_15:11:45.64 LoopTest2
Fri 03/06/2015_15:46:57.62 LoopTest2
Fri 03/06/2015_15:53:01.50 LoopTest2
Fri 03/06/2015_16:31:17.03 LoopTest2
Fri 03/06/2015_16:37:35.95 LoopTest2
Fri 03/06/2015_16:47:46.89 LoopTest2
Fri 03/06/2015_16:53:37.25 LoopTest2
…in fact, I can only really get it to run when I right click in the console on the PC and send refresh. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?