Removing old versions of GoToMeeting


Has anyone attempted to create any tasks to remove old versions of GoToMeeting? If so, any sharing of those tasks would be greatly appreciated.

@ptholt79, while there’s nothing specific from BigFix, there is an older example on to remove GoToMeeting. Additionally, you could utilize the following relevance from the GoToMeeting desktop app updated content found in the Updates for Windows Applications external site.

exists value “DisplayVersion” whose (it as string as version < “YOUR-MIN-VERSION-HERE”) of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GoToMeeting” whose (value “DisplayName” of it as string contains “GoToMeeting”) of registry

From that, you can create a policy fixlet that removes any GoToMeeting desktop app versions that are older than the minimum version specified in the above relevance statement.

Hope this helps. Best. @cmcannady


I appreciate the reply. I believe the relevance you posted will help coupled with a policy action like you suggested. Any idea what the action script for that would look like? Sadly I’m a newb when it comes to that. I’d need to create this for Mac and Windows as well.

@ptholt79, did you have an opportunity to review the action script in the uninstall fixlet on the website? You can find many examples of application removal for both Mac and Windows on the website.